Call for academic position IDIA

We are seeking a talented, highly motivated, academic with the potential to expand the research and teaching activities related to the broad field of data science at Universidad de Chile. This is a unique opportunity to join the recently established Initiative for Data and Artificial Intelligence (IDIA) and collaborate with an interdisciplinary group of academics from the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM) at Universidad de Chile.

The position is full-time, open-rank, and leads to a tenure track. Salary will depend on the initial evaluation, for reference, the starting salary for an Assistant Professor ranges between CLP$3,400,000 and CLP$4,000,000 per month before taxes.

You are expected to lead a successful research agenda that attracts grant funding, as well as be committed to teaching activities both for undergraduate and graduate programmes. As part of IDIA, you will play an active role in management and decision-making. As a member of Universidad de Chile, you will be responsible for promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in all instances within our institution. Teaching load is 5 courses per 2 years.

You will have a doctorate and postdoctoral experience that demonstrates your leadership as a researcher in the fields of data science, machine learning, or artificial intelligence. Furthermore, you will have the ability to foster collaboration in the abovementioned fields within FCFM, in particular, to engage and motivate students at all levels and from all backgrounds. You will also participate in our Master of Data Science as lecturer and supervisor, thus interacting with postgraduate students of a broad background working on applied and theoretical data science projects.

For an informal discussion about the post, please contact the IDIA Director Dr Felipe Tobar (ftobar [AT] uchile [DOT] cl)

Applications must be submitted through the following page: The details of the call for applications are available here (PDF).

Deadline: 30 November 2023.

Universidad de Chile is committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion. We strongly encourage applications from under-represented individuals in the profession across ethnic and national origin, physical ability, and gender and sexual identity. Universidad de Chile believes in the value of different perspectives and backgrounds to build world-class research groups.


* The call for applications corresponds to the Iniciativa de Datos & Inteligencia Artificial (IDIA) of the University of Chile and does not imply a contractual relationship with the Center for Mathematical Modeling. It is published here for information purposes only for the benefit of the scientific-academic community.

Posted on Oct 5, 2023 in Job Opportunities