Deputy Director • Principal Investigator (PI) • U. de Chile Researchers
Deputy Director of the CMM
Doctorate degree, Universität Hamburg, Germany (2005)
Master's Degree in Mathematics, Universität Hamburg, Germany (2002)
Doctorate degree, Universität Hamburg, Germany (2005)
Master's Degree in Mathematics, Universität Hamburg, Germany (2002)
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Academic hierarchy: Profesor Titular
Academic hierarchy: Profesor Titular
Research Area:
Algorithms and Combinatorics
Algorithms and Combinatorics
Works at:
CMM Networks
CMM Networks
mstein (at) dim (dot) uchile (dot) cl
+56 2 2978 0513
office: 708
+56 2 2978 0513
office: 708
Prof. Maya Stein is the deputy director of the Center for Mathematical Modeling, and also the Academic Director of the Center. She is a full professor at the Department of Mathematical Engineering of the Universidad de Chile. She obtained her doctorate degree at the University of Hamburg, Germany.
She works in Combinatorics and Graph Theory, with a broad spectrum ranging from extremal and probabilistic graph theory and hypergraphs to algorithmic graph theory. She has more than 50 published papers, and has collaborated with more than 40 researchers from all over the world. She leads and has participated in a number of international research projects. She has supervised many postdocs and students.
Her work is internationally recognized, and she is frequently invited to speak at conferences, to serve on their program or organizing committees, and she is an editor for four international mathematical journals. She serves on the scientific committee of the Chilean Mathematical Society (Somachi), and was deputy head of the ANID grant evaluation panel for mathematics.
Personal HomepageProf. Maya Stein is the deputy director of the Center for Mathematical Modeling, and also the Academic Director of the Center. She is a full professor at the Department of Mathematical Engineering of the Universidad de Chile. She obtained her doctorate degree at the University of Hamburg, Germany.
She works in Combinatorics and Graph Theory, with a broad spectrum ranging from extremal and probabilistic graph theory and hypergraphs to algorithmic graph theory. She has more than 50 published papers, and has collaborated with more than 40 researchers from all over the world. She leads and has participated in a number of international research projects. She has supervised many postdocs and students.
Her work is internationally recognized, and she is frequently invited to speak at conferences, to serve on their program or organizing committees, and she is an editor for four international mathematical journals. She serves on the scientific committee of the Chilean Mathematical Society (Somachi), and was deputy head of the ANID grant evaluation panel for mathematics.