
CMM Outreach

Outreach at CMM seeks to consolidate the relationship with different segments of Chilean society. The Center organizes various events aimed at elementary, high school and undergraduate students, business and industry executives and government officials. It also supports activities organized by external institutions and researchers from other universities. In total, an estimated 25,000 people participated in actions organized or supported by the CMM program.

Pillars of the outreach strategy

  • Raising the awareness of Mathematics as a key factor in the country’s development
  • The communication of the CMM’s achievements in research
  • Showing how useful mathematics is for the society and everyday life
  • Promoting the inclusion of everyone in the science and mathematics world


To introduce you to CMM’s activities watch the videos of our participation in the open TV program Exploradores del Cosmos, in the 2018 (CMM episode 1, CMM  episode 2, CMM episode 3) and 2019 (CMM episode 1) seasons. Here we present some capsules of the different programs:

Capsule 1: Aportando al país desde la matemática

Capsule 2: Matemáticas al servicio de la industria y del sector público

Capsule 3: Matemáticas la ciencia que descifra los datos

Capsule 4: El desafío de mejorar la educación matemática en Chile

Capsule 5: ARPA, Activando la resolución de problemas en las aulas

Capsule 6: Suma y Sigue, Potenciando la enseñanza de las matemáticas

Capsule 7: Aporte matemático en la era genómica

Capsule 8: Supercómputo, infraestructura tecnológica para el futuro de Chile

Capsule 9: Supercómputo al servicio de Chile

Capsule 10: Matemáticas para el desarrollo del país

Capsule 11: Resolviendo problemas de la industria y la educación

Capsule 12: Modelos numéricos para innovar en el sector industrial

Capsule 13: Astronomical Program ALERCE

Capsule 14: The National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC) in TVN



Some featured projects




Related initiatives

