Accepted contributions and tentative programme.
The list of accepted papers can be seen here, and a tentative programme here .
Important Dates
Submission deadline has been extended !
Extended submission deadline: | 25 June 2018, |
Notification of authors: | 31 August 2018, |
Final version: | 1 October 2018, |
Conference: | 17 – 21 December 2018. |
- Algorithmic randomness,
- Computability theory,
- Kolmogorov complexity,
- Computational complexity,
- Reverse mathematics and logic.
This year, the conference will be partially oriented to explore connections between these topics and the theory of dynamical systems.
Invited Speakers
- Felipe Cucker , City University of Hong Kong.
- Mathieu Hoyrup, INRIA, Nancy, France.
- Takayuki Kihara, Nagoya University, Japan.
- Bryna Kra, Northwestern University, USA.
- Neil Lutz, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
- Alejandro Maass, CMM-DIM Universidad de Chile.
- Keng Meng Ng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
- Pablo Shmerkin, Universidad Torcualto Di Tella, Argentica.
- Michael Yampolsky, University of Toronto, Canada.
Invited Tutorials
- Santiago Figueira , Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Anahi Gajardo, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
The conference will be hosted by the Departamento de Matemáticas at Universidad Andrés Bello, which is located in the República neighborhood (subway station “República”) in Santiago de Chile.
The Hotel Conde Ansúrez is conveniently located in Av. República 25. We have arranged with them the following special rates (BT) for the conference participants: single room $ 37000; double room $ 45000; triple room $ 53000. To book one please send them an email directly to using the reservation code CCR2018-UNAB. Please also send a copy of your booking email to . Alternatively, Barrio Lastarria (north of Universidad Católica subway station) and Providencia (around Pedro de Valdivia subway station) are very nice, easy to reach neighborhoods, with an excellent offer for accomodations.
Conference Series
The conference, previously known as conference on Logic, Computability and Randomness, will be in the tradition of the previous meetings in
- Córdoba (Argentina) 2004,
- Buenos Aires (Argentina) 2007,
- Nanjing (China) 2008,
- Luminy (France) 2009,
- Notre Dame (United States) 2010,
- Cape Town (South Africa) 2011,
- Cambridge (Great Britain) 2012,
- Moscow (Russia) 2013,
- Singapore 2014.
- Heidelberg (Germany) 2015,
- Honolulu (Hawaii, USA) 2016. and
- Mysore (India) 2017.
Authors are invited to submit an abstract in PDF format of typically about 1 or 2 pages via the following web page:
No full papers will be required for this conference. After the deadline for submissions has expired, submissions may still be accepted for reviewing at the discretion of the PC chairs.
If you are planning to attend the conference, please fill out the registration form here as soon as possible.
No proceedings will be published before the conference. A booklet with abstracts will be made available at the conference.
Programme Committee
- Mark Braverman (Princeton University, USA)
- Linda Brown Westrick (Penn Sate University, USA)
- Peter Gács (Boston University, USA)
- Noam Greenberg (University of Wellington, NZ)
- Antonio Montalbán (University California Berkeley, USA)
- Henry Towsner (University Pensylvania, USA)
- Verónica Becher (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) co-Chair
- Cristóbal Rojas (Universidad Andres Bello, Chile) co-Chair
Local Organizing Committee
- Verónica Becher, Buenos Aires.
- José Aliste, Santiago.
- Cristóbal Rojas, Santiago.
For questions, in particular about scientific aspects of the meeting, please contact the chairs of the programme committee.
Inquiries about organizational matters such as registration or accommodation are best addressed to the local organizing committee.
CCR Steering Committee
Verónica Becher (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Laurent Bienvenu (Montpellier, France), Rod Downey, chair (Wellington, New Zealand), Denis Hirschfeldt (Chicago, United States), Elvira Mayordomo (Zaragoza, Spain), Wolfgang Merkle (Heidelberg, Germany), Nikolai K. Vereshchagin (Moscow, Russia), Liang Yu (Nanjing, China).
Funding opportunities for student members of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) are available. Applications should be directed to the Association for Symbolic Logic three months prior to the meeting, following these instructions.
Date of closure: Dec 21, 2018
Venue: Departamento de Matemáticas at Universidad Andrés Bello
Posted on Dec 12, 2018 in Frontpage, Workshops & Congresses