Principal Investigator (PI) • U. de Chile Researchers
PhD in Computer Science, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France (1998)
Civil Engineering in Mathematics, Universidad de Chile (1995)
Civil Engineering in Mathematics, Universidad de Chile (1995)
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Academic hierarchy: Profesor Titular
Academic hierarchy: Profesor Titular
Research Area:
Algorithms and Combinatorics
Algorithms and Combinatorics
Works at:
CMM Networks
CMM Networks
Research interests:
My research area is discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science. I am mainly interested in network dynamics. In particular, I am involved now in a project where we intend to measure the communication complexity of cellular automata in order to understand dynamical and computational properties of such systems.
My research area is discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science. I am mainly interested in network dynamics. In particular, I am involved now in a project where we intend to measure the communication complexity of cellular automata in order to understand dynamical and computational properties of such systems.
rapaport (at) dim (dot) uchile (dot) cl
+56 2 2978 4470
office: 520
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ResearchGate Profile
+56 2 2978 4470
office: 520
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ResearchGate Profile