Abstract: The Vlasov-Poisson system describes a macroscopic number of particles with their mutual gravitational attraction in a mean-field approximation. Its steady-state solutions are known as “polytropes” and a popular model for galaxies in the astronomy literature. In many cases, they are known to be neutrally stable, but the question of asymptotic stability is widely open. The goal of this talk is to present some results on the linearized equation around a steady state.
This is based on joint work with Matías Moreno and Paola Rioseco.
Venue: Av. Beauchef 851, Edificio Norte, 5to Piso, Santiago.
Speaker: Hanne Van Den Bosch
Affiliation: Universidad de Chile.
Coordinator: Comité Organizador EDP
Posted on Oct 16, 2024 in Differential Equations, Seminars