Bernard Host

Bernard Host
Associate Researchers • Distinguished Associate Researchers
Thèse d’État, Université Paris Nord, France (1979)
Institution: Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France
Research Area:
Probability and Ergodic Theory
Research interests:
Harmonic and multifractal analysis. Topological and symbolics dynamics and ergodic theory. Particularly interested in interactions with additive combinatorics.
bernard [dot] host [at] u-pem [dot] fr
Professor Emeritus at UMR 8050 Laboratoire d'Analyse et de Mathématiques Appliquées.
2005 winner of the "Charles-Louis de Saulses de Freycinet" prize of the French Academy of Sciences, in mathematics.

Prof. Bernard Host (University of Marne la Vallée) received his Thèse d’État in 1979 at the University Paris-Nord. He became full professor in Marseille in 1990. Since 1996 he his professor at the University of Marne la Vallée. His research area comprises topological and symbolics dynamics and ergodic theory. He is particularly interested in interactions with additive combinatorics. He is involved in different international cooperations , in particular with the CMM of the University of Chile (coordinator of a PICS project). In 2005 he received the prize ”Charles-Louis de Saulses de Freycinet” from the French Academy of Sciences. He is Senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
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