Daniel Remenik

Daniel Remenik
Principal Investigator (PI) • U. de Chile Researchers
PhD in Applied Mathematics, Cornell University, USA (2009)
Engineering Sciences, Universidad de Chile (2002)
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Academic hierarchy: Profesor Asociado
Research Area:
Probability and Ergodic Theory
Works at:
CMM Data Science
Research interests:
My main research area is probability theory. In recent years I have been working on problems related wih the KPZ universality class. Most of the models that appear in this area are motivated by statistical mechanics, and include directed polymers, growth models, particle systems and SPDEs. I have also done work in the area of interacting particle systems, and in particular applications to biology and economics.
dremenik (at) dim (dot) uchile (dot) cl
+56 2 2978 4462
office: 524
MCA Prize 2021, granted by the Mathematical Council of the Americas.
Rollo Davidson Award 2021, in recognition of his transformative contributions to the understanding of the KPZ fixed point.
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