Francisco Förster

Francisco Förster
— Associate Researchers
PhD in Astronomy, University of Oxford, UK (2009)
B.Sc. Astronomy, Universidad Chile (2004)
B.Sc. Engineering Sciences, Universidad Chile (2004)
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Academic hierarchy: Profesor Titular
Works at:
Astroinformatics Laboratory
Research interests:
Astrophysics of transient phenomena
Image processing / pattern recognition
Data analysis
fforster (at) cmm (dot) uchile (dot) cl
+56 2 2978 4859
office: Astroinformatics Laboratory
Fondecyt Initiation into research Fellow 2013-
Fondecyt Postdoctoral Fellow 2010-2013
PPARC-STFC scholarship 2004-2009
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Publications (link)