RESUMEN: A famous theorem by Gilman shows that every cellular automaton over AZ satisfies an important dynamical dichotomy with respect to any Bernoulli measure: either almost every configuration is sensitive to initial conditions, or the system is equicontinuous. We show that there exists a fundamental relationship between the existence of a non-trivial percolation threshold on the Cayley graphs of a given group G and the failure of this dichotomy. We use this to give a characterization of the countable groups where Gilman’s dichotomy is satisfied, which correspond to the class of locally virtually cyclic groups.
Venue: Sala de Seminarios Maryam Mirzakhani, Departamento de Matemáticas, Campus Juan Gómez Millas, Universidad de Chile .
Speaker: Sebastián Barbieri
Affiliation: Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Coordinator: Alvaro Bustos
Posted on Sep 26, 2024 in Dynamical Systems, Seminars