Alejandro Maass

Alejandro Maass
Director of International Relations • Principal Investigator (PI) • U. de Chile Researchers
HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), Université d'Aix-Marseille II, France (2000)
PhD in Pure Mathematics, Université d'Aix-Marseille II, France (1994)
Civil Engineering in Mathematics, Universidad de Chile (1990)
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Academic hierarchy: Profesor Titular
Research Area:
Probability and Ergodic Theory
Works at:
CMM Climate & Biodiversity • CMM Digital Health • Mathomics
Research interests:
My research interests are on one side ergodic theory, topological and symbolic dynamics. In particular, I am interesting in local entropy theory and spectral theory of Cantor minimal systems. On the other side I am interested in the application of probability theory and dynamical systems in Bioinformatics.
amaass (at) dim (dot) uchile (dot) cl
+56 2 2978 4456
office: 724
Knight of the National Order of Merit of France - 2007
UMALCA (Mathematical Union of Latin America and the Caribbean) Prize - 2009
Member of the Chilean Academy of Engineering
Corresponding Member of the Chilean Academy of Sciences
Member Grupo Ciencia de Frontera of the Chilean Academy of Sciences 2004-2006
Marcos Orrego Puelma prize of the Chilean Institute of Engineering
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