Learning to draw and drawing to teach: Considerations for teacher learning.


Mathematics education researchers and teachers generally agree that drawings support student learning, especially in elementary and middle school. However, drawings are not considered “mathematical;” symbols and equations are considered the main representations of mathematics. In this talk, I will argue why teachers and teacher educators should focus on using drawings as a legitimate form of mathematics. Additionally, I will also argue that a shift to using drawings entails a culture shift in how we think about and do mathematics. I will supplement the argument with a study where I describe how prospective middle school teachers learned to use drawings to “re-learn” previously learned mathematical ideas.


Key words: Teacher education, mathematics, representations, elementary and middle school


Date: Sep 01, 2020 at 17:00:30 h
Venue: Modalidad Vía Online
Speaker: Eric Cordero-Siy
Affiliation: PhD in Mathematics Education, University of Georgia
Coordinator: Helena Montenegro & Dario González
More info at:
Event website

Posted on Jul 23, 2020 in Education, Seminars