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PhD in Applied Mathematics, Université Paris Dauphine, France (2017)
PhD in Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile (2017)
Civil Engineering in Mathematics, Universidad de Chile (2012)
PhD in Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile (2017)
Civil Engineering in Mathematics, Universidad de Chile (2012)
Research Area:
Probability and Ergodic Theory
Probability and Ergodic Theory
Research interests:
Contract theory, stochastic control, mathematical finance, probability, optimization, game theory.
Contract theory, stochastic control, mathematical finance, probability, optimization, game theory.
nhernandez (at) dim (dot) uchile (dot) cl
+56 2 2977 1089
office: 706
Personal Homepage
Publications (link)
ResearchGate Profile
+56 2 2977 1089
office: 706
Personal Homepage
Publications (link)
ResearchGate Profile
Under the supervision of prof. Jaime San Martín & prof. Alejandro Jofré. This postdoctoral research received funding from FONDECYT.
Under the supervision of prof. Jaime San Martín & prof. Alejandro Jofré. This postdoctoral research received funding from FONDECYT.