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Principal Investigator (PI) • Researchers • U. de Chile Researchers
HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in Applied Mathematics, UPPA, Académie de Bordeaux, France (2002)
PhD in Mathematics, University of the Aegean, Greece (1997)
Bachelor's degree in Physics, University of Athens, Greece (1992)
PhD in Mathematics, University of the Aegean, Greece (1997)
Bachelor's degree in Physics, University of Athens, Greece (1992)
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Academic hierarchy: Profesor Titular
Academic hierarchy: Profesor Titular
Research Area:
Optimization & Equilibrium
Optimization & Equilibrium
arisd (at) dim (dot) uchile (dot) cl
+56 2 2978 4472
office: 523
Personal Homepage
Curriculum Vitae (link)
ResearchGate Profile
+56 2 2978 4472
office: 523
Personal Homepage
Curriculum Vitae (link)
ResearchGate Profile